Well, unfortunately the old blog has been really neglected since I've been without a working computer for the past few months. I'm still surviving with just my iPhone and iPad and unfortunately neither of them are too blog writing conducive.
Anywho with one of my favorite 'Disney holidays' approaching and a few events under my belt I'd thought I'd write down a few tips on the extra precautions to take when attending Dapper Day.
If you are either not a constant vintage wearer, or perhaps not a frequent theme park visitor a day like Dapper Day can easily be overwhelming. But hopefully with a little extra preparation you can make the day go much smoother.
1. Check the weather report. Dress appropriately.
Now this might seem obvious but I cannot stress enough, know what to expect from Mother Nature. This upcoming fall dapper day is supposed to be 100 degrees! Now I am going to stick it out with the dress I bought but I've nixed the fur stole and back seamed stockings. Don't make it harder then yourself then it already will be.
2. Take all the pictures.
Honestly, you'll want them, so just take as many as you can bear. Some of my past dapper day photos are my favorites at the park, and being dressed up really adds something special.
3. Pack smart.
Charge batteries beforehand or bring a spare. Don't forget a phone charger. Being makeup for touch ups and Tylenol for headaches. Bring band aids for blisters and sunscreen for uv protection. Make a checklist. You won't regret it when you leave for the resort and know you have everything you'll need for the long day ahead.
4. Pick shoes you know you can walk all day in.
Plain and simple. I learned my lesson when I wore a pair of vintage heels earlier this year and had to leave in the afternoon because my feet could barely walk. As much as your look may be important, try to choose something that's both cute and relatively comfortable. Or bring flats to switch in and out of during the day.
5. Be friendly
It's a great experience to walk around the park being greeted by strangers with 'happy dapper day' and complimenting each others' wardrobe choices. Attend the meet ups and talk to other attendees. It will make the day so much more amazing!
6. Enjoy the theme.
I enjoy theming my outfits to the time when Disneyland would have first been opened in the late 50's, and I get so much joy out of incorporating tidbits from that era into my day. I change my iPhone ringtone to a favorite 1950's song, I buy 1950's candy to put in my vintage purse and bring along a 1950's magazine for photo opportunities. By any means don't pack for a photoshoot, but by bringing along a few things you can really enhance your experience.
Well, that's the best I can muster! I can't even wait till Friday, my third Dapper Day here I come!
Have you attended Dapper Day before? What tips would you give a first time attendee?